Membership Renewal for Certified Veterinary TechniciansCertified Veterinary Technicians are required to complete a total of twelve (12) continuing education units (CEU) per calendar year in order to maintain Certified Veterinary Technician (CVT) status through the Connecticut Veterinary Technician Association (CTVTA). Up to one-quarter of the annual CEU requirement (3.0 CEUs) may be earned as an instructor. Continuing Education is defined as education provided for adults outside of the formal education system, consisting of seminars, courses, lectures, or labs that bring participants up to date in a particular area of knowledge or set of skills. Take a look at the CE Guidelines for further clarification of what can be submitted. Credits for Certification must be obtained between January 1 and December 31 of the previous year. (For example. CE for 2025 certification must be obtained between 1/1/2024 and 12/31/2024.) Each term of certification is for ONE year from January 1st through December 31st. There is a grace period until March 31st. Applications received after March 31st will require a late fee of $25 on top of the yearly dues. CVT renewal fee is $35 each year. If your membership has been lapsed for a year or more, you will be required to pay the $35 dues as well as a $25 late fee for each year that it was lapsed. You will also have to submit a total of 12 hours of CEU per year that membership was lapsed. The CEU’s do not have to be from the missed year, but 12 for each missed year are required. Please log in with your Username and Password to fill out the appropriate renewal form. CVT Membership Renewal Form 2024 for 2025Membership Renewal for Associate Members Associate members should log in with their Username and Password and fill out the appropriate renewal form. The yearly dues are $30 and CE is not required. Associate Membership Form
Membership Renewal for Students Student members should log in with their Username and Password and fill out the appropriate renewal form. There are no dues required for student members. Please upload proof of enrollment in a Veterinary technician or assistant program to complete your membership form. Student Membership Form |